What's the correct pronunciation of "Pinot Noir"?
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Dear Dr. Vinny,
What is the correct pronunciation of Pinot Noir? I have always heard it pronounced "pee no nwahr." I have most recently been corrected that it should be pronounced "pee-NO," with the "no" being very strong and emphasized, almost like a French accent. Which is correct?
—Barbara W., Plainfield, Ill.
Dear Barbara,
The correct way to pronounce "Pinot" is "Pee-no," with equal emphasis on both short syllables, although many people put a little extra oomph on the first syllable, making it more like "PEE-no." I hear more variations of "Noir." "N'war" is standard, but some like to say it with a little more flair, turning it into "Na-whar" or "No-aaaaaaaargh." Zee fake French accent will only get you so far.
—Dr. Vinny